© 2022 Maxim Timofeev
Memories are subjective

Could we change the past?

The past consists of what we remember about it
They change as we change

How could we recollect the same things?

Could we change our vi- sion of the past in recent present time?

The past or reflecting on our past will be reflected in our future?
All memories are subjective
Memory 1
150x90x4 canvas, acrylic, texture paste 2022
Memory 2
150x90x4 canvas, acrylic, texture paste 2022
Memory 3
150x90x4 canvas, acrylic, texture paste 2023
Memory 4
150x90x4 canvas, acrylic, texture paste 2023
My open studio in Dubai
Memory 5
150x90x4 canvas, acrylic, texture paste 2023
Memory 6
150x90x4 canvas, acrylic, texture paste 2023
Memory 7
self portrait
150x90x4 canvas, acrylic, texture paste 2023
Memory 8
150x90x4 canvas, acrylic, texture paste,
broken glass from the door 2023
Memory 9
150x90x4 canvas, acrylic, texture paste 2023